H.R. 3bill number |
Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users SAFETEA-LU |
H.R. 6bill number |
Energy Policy Act of 2005 |
S. 1307bill number |
Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act |
S. 1447bill number |
Tax Technical Corrections Act of 2005 |
S. 661bill number |
United States Tax Court Modernization Act |
S. 667bill number |
Personal Responsibility and Individual Development for Everyone (PRIDE) Act |
H.R. 1047bill number |
Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act of 2004 |
S. 3019bill number |
Tax Technical Corrections Act of 2004 |
H.R. 4520bill number |
American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 |
H.R. 1308bill number |
Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004 |
S. 333bill number |
John Breaux Elder Justice Act |
H.R. 4842bill number |
United States - Morocco Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act |
H.R. 4759bill number |
United States - Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act |
H.R. 3550bill number |
Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act of 2004 |
S. 2761bill number |
Heartland Investment and Rural Employment (HIRE) Act |
H.R. 982bill number |
To clarify the tax treatment of bonds and other obligations issued by the Government of American Samoa |
H. J. Res. 97bill number |
A Joint Resolution Approving the Renewal of Import Restrictions Contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003 |
S. 882bill number |
Tax Administration Good Government Act |
S. 2424bill number |
National Employee Savings and Trust Equity Guarantee Act of 2004 |
S.1637bill number |
Jumpstart Our Business Strength (JOBS) Act |
H. R. 3108bill number |
Pension Funding Equity Act of 2004 |
H.R. 743bill number |
Social Security Protection Act of 2003 |
bill number |
Corporate-Owned Life Insurance (COLI) |
H.R. 1bill number |
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 |
H.R. 6bill number |
Energy Policy Act of 2003 |