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H.R. 5712 Physician Payment and Therapy Relief Act
S. 3981 Unemployment Insurance Stabilization Act of 2010
H.R. 4380 The U.S. Manufacturing Enhancement Act

The individual miscellaneous tariff bills introduced in the Senate during the 111th Congress are listed in Public Comments.  Please check the website periodically for possible technical corrections and additions to the list.

The Finance Committee public comment period ended on Friday, December 4.

S. 3946 Small Business Paperwork Relief Act
H.R. 5297 Small Business Jobs Act
S. 3793 Job Creation and Tax Cuts Act
H.J. Res. 83 Joint Resolution Approving the Renewal of Import Restrictions Contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003
H.R. 4213 Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2010
H.R. 3962 Preservation of Access to Care for Medicare Beneficiaries and Pension Relief Act of 2010
S. 3513 Bonus Depreciation Extension to Create Jobs Act
S. RES. 544 Resolution Supporting Increased Market Access for Exports of United States Beef and Beef Products
H.R. 5160 Haiti Economic Lift Program (HELP) Act of 2010
S. 3398 Veterans Employment Transition Act
H.R. 4851 Continuing Extension Act of 2010
H.R. 4872 Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010
H.R. 1586 FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act
H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009
H.R. 2847 The Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act
H.R. 4691 Temporary Extension Act of 2010
H.J. Res 45 Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010
DRAFT: Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act
S. 2949 Emergency Aid to American Survivors of the Haiti Earthquake Act
H.R. 4462 Haiti Assistance Income Tax Incentives Act
H.R. 4154 Permanent Estate Tax Relief for Families, Farmers, and Small Business Act of 2009
S. 2917 Small Business Penalty Fairness Act of 2009
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