December 07,2017

Press Contact:

Keith Chu: 202-224-4515

Wyden Statement on Unanimous Win for U.S. Mills in ITC Softwood Lumber Vote

WASHINGTON - Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Sen.  Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today praised the International Trade Commission’s 4-0 vote confirming that dumped and subsidized Canadian softwood lumber is harming American workers.

“Imports of underpriced, subsidized Canadian softwood lumber have hurt American mills, millworkers and rural communities in Oregon and across the country.  With today’s unanimous decision from the International Trade Commission, help is finally on the way.  I commend the Commission for its careful analysis in this case.”

Senator Wyden led several letters and testified in support of U.S. softwood lumber producers before the Commission in September.  Today’s decision follows several improvements to U.S. trade remedies law that were championed by Senator Wyden as part of trade legislation passed and signed into law within the last two years.  It also follows a unanimous affirmative vote by the Commission for hardwood plywood producers last week, bringing a second major victory for wood products producers harmed by unfair trade in Oregon and around the country. 
