September 24,2018

Press Contact:

Taylor Harvey (202) 224-4515

Wyden Statement on Trump Administration Public Charge Rule

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued a statement after the Trump administration released its so-called “public charge” rule:

“It’s not easy to combine racism, cruelty, and economic self-harm in one policy, but the Trump administration has found a way yet again. The people the Trump administration is targeting with this terrible policy are seniors who have worked and paid into Medicare for years and count on Part D for affordable prescriptions, teachers, caregivers in America’s nursing homes and daycares, and workers who contribute to every sector of the economy. Particularly for rural areas with declining populations that are starved for residents who simply want to build a better life for their families and contribute to the community, this anti-immigrant policy will be a disaster.

“This will force parents to choose between staying in the country and taking their sick kids to the doctor – nobody should have to make that choice. Bottom line, immigrants do not take from this country, they add to it. The Trump administration is too blinded by racism to understand that.”
