December 14,2018

Wyden Statement on Ruling that Affordable Care Act is Unconstitutional

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued a statement after a Texas District Court judge ruled against the Affordable Care Act, threatening core parts of the law like pre-existing condition protections, tax credits for health care and the Medicaid expansion:

“Today’s ruling is an assault on all Americans’ basic health care rights and judicial overreach at its worst,” Wyden said. “Trump and Republicans in Congress will achieve their long-sought goals if this ruling stands: the elimination of pre-existing condition protections and Medicaid coverage for millions of vulnerable Americans. Seniors will pay more for their prescriptions and middle-class families will lose tax breaks that keep their health care affordable. This judge chose to deliver his ruling the day before the end of open enrollment - a deliberate, ideological move to sabotage the Affordable Care Act at the expense of families’ health care. If you or your loved ones need health care, you should still sign up as planned at before the open enrollment deadline at end of the day tomorrow despite this attempted sabotage.”
