March 08,2018

Press Contact:

Rachel McCleery (202) 224-4515

Wyden Statement on Republican Efforts to Include Marketplace Fairness Act in Spending Bill

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement in response to Republican efforts to include the Marketplace Fairness Act in Congress’ upcoming spending bill:

“I'm extremely concerned to hear Congressional Republicans are plotting to sneak a massive internet tax increase into a completely unrelated federal spending bill,” Wyden said. “Apparently voting for a Republican representative in Congress is voting to allow New York and California to tax Oregonians, Pennsylvanians and Texans.  If passed, this would create an underground, nationwide, privatized tax-collecting bureaucracy. This is particularly shocking as only two years have passed since President Obama signed legislation that made the made the Internet Tax Freedom Act permanent.”
