March 08,2018

Press Contact:

(202) 224-4515 Katie Niederee, Julia Lawless

Hatch Statement on Steel, Aluminum Tariffs

Utah Senator Says, “Simply put: This is a tax hike on American manufacturers, workers and consumers.”

WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today issued the following statement after the Trump administration announced new tariffs on steel and aluminum imports:

“Simply put: This is a tax hike on American manufacturers, workers and consumers. Slapping aluminum and steel imports with tariffs of this magnitude is misguided. It undermines the benefits that the new tax law provides and runs counter to our goal of advancing pro-growth trade policies that will keep America competitive in the 21st century global economy. We share a common goal of making trade work for all Americans and it’s unfortunate that this decision will have harmful implications for American businesses, workers and consumers who rely on these products. I will continue to work with the administration to revisit this decision and hopefully mitigate the damage it will cause to our nation’s economic growth.”

 Background: A longtime advocate of establishing enforceable international rules for U.S. firms and workers doing business overseas, Hatch has fought to strengthen intellectual property rights (IPR) standards around the world. Hatch authored legislation to increase U.S. enforcement of American IPR overseas, including improvements to the Special 301 mechanism and the establishment of a Chief Intellectual Property Negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). Hatch also spearheaded efforts in Congress to enact bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to help open more markets for U.S. exports and strengthen IPR protections in U.S. trade agreements, and he led enactment of the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016.  
