Statement of U.S. Senator Max Baucus on the Signing of the AGOA Acceleration Act
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) U.S. Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont), ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, issued the following statement after the signing of the AGOA Acceleration Act of 2004:
“I’m happy to have played a role in helping this important legislation become law. The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act has been a real model for how the United States can help countries create jobs through trade.
“As I’ve said many times, this is not just a trade bill. It’s a development bill. AGOA has helped Africans lift themselves out of poverty. It has helped to create hundreds of thousands of jobs in sub-Saharan Africa.
“By creating a means by which Africans can support their families and provide for the health care and education of their children, AGOA can help break the cycle of poverty that too often traps poor Africans. Enacting the AGOA Acceleration Act will ensure that AGOA continues to help Africans help themselves now and in years to come.”
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