September 25,2013

Press Contact:

Julia Lawless, Antonia Ferrier, 202.224.4515

Hatch Says New Report Shows Higher Costs, Fewer Choices Under ObamaCare

Utah Senator Says, “Having pledged that ObamaCare would lower health care costs and reduce premiums by $2,500, the Administration has now confirmed with its report that uses cherry-picked data that hard-working, middle-class families are footing the bill.”

WASHINGTON –Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today said that a new report released by the Obama Administration that uses incomplete, cherry-picked data only looking at limited segments of the population shows that the President’s health law will increase health care costs.

“Having pledged that ObamaCare would lower health care costs and reduce premiums by $2,500, the Administration has now confirmed with its report that uses cherry-picked data that hard-working, middle-class families are footing the bill. Every American better hold onto their wallets, because the price of people’s insurance could skyrocket by as much as triple digits in some states,” said Hatch.  “The bottom line: higher costs and fewer choices limit patients’ access to quality care is the sad story of ObamaCare. We need to end this assault on the American people and put end to this disastrous law once and for all.”

Today, the Department of Health and Human Services released its estimate for 2014 insurance premiums for the 36 states with health insurance exchanges. The report revealed that some states will see premium hikes in the triple digits.

In a separate analysis, the Manhattan Institute found individual market premiums will increase 99 percent for men and 62 percent for women nationwide.
