September 01,2009

Baucus Statement Regarding Recovery Payments to Prisoners


To: Reporters and Editors
From: Dan Virkstis for Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.)
Baucus statement regarding Recovery payments made to prisoners

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) today expressed outrage following reports that 1,700 prisoners nationwide improperly received the $250 economic stimulus check issued to taxpayers as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act passed in February. Although 70 percent of the mistaken checks have been recovered, Senator Baucus strongly urged the Social Security Administration (SSA) to work with correctional officers across the country to recover remaining improper payments.

From Chairman Baucus:

“These reports that certain SSA headquarters officials were not responsive in a timely manner to initial inquiries from correctional officials are troubling. SSA should issue a full report on this failure to respond to these requests in a timely manner. We made a concentrated effort to protect American taxpayers in crafting recovery legislation, and many correctional officials were doing their part to prevent an abuse of taxpayer funds. I am certainly disappointed that these SSA officials were not as diligent as necessary and I am eager to hear from SSA on the steps they will be taking to make sure this problem does not occur again.”
