September 09,2009

Baucus Statement Following President Obama’s Address on Health Care Reform

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) released the following statement today following President Obama’s speech on health care reform.

From Chairman Baucus:

“Tonight, the President clearly laid out the crisis in our health care system. He made the case for why we need to act to lower skyrocketing health care costs and make quality health care coverage affordable and widely available. Americans are paying the price for our broken system. The President clearly understands health care reform can’t wait any longer – and, it won’t.

“For the past several months I’ve been working with a bipartisan group of Finance Committee members. In this group, we’ve come so far and we agree on so much and I’ve released a framework based on that agreement.

“The Finance Committee has been working on health care reform for more than a year. Now is the time to act. I’ll plan to release a Chairman’s Mark next week and begin voting in the Finance Committee the following week. Now, as the President said, it’s time to get to work and get health care reform passed this year.”
