January 13,2009

Press Contact:

Carol Guthrie, (202) 224-4515

Baucus Statement Regarding Geithner Nomination

Washington, DC— Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) issued a further statement today regarding the nomination of Timothy Geithner to serve as Treasury Secretary. Baucus’s statement followed the release by the Finance Committee of several documents related to issues uncovered in the panel’s vetting of the nominee.

“I am disappointed in the errors found in Tim Geithner’s tax returns and other information, but I am satisfied that Mr. Geithner has taken the steps necessary to fix these problems. That’s why I intend to move forward as soon as possible with a hearing on his nomination,” Baucus said. “The President-Elect needs a Treasury Secretary on day one. We have to roll up our sleeves and get this economy moving again for the American people, and Tim Geithner has the right combination of experience and skill for these difficult economic times. For these reasons, I continue to support his nomination to be the next Secretary of the Treasury.”
