January 24,2009

Baucus Statement Ahead of President Obama's Joint Address to Congress

Baucus looks forward to Presidential focus on health care reform in tonight’s speech

Washington, DC – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) said today that he looks forward to a focus on health care and economic recovery as President Barack Obama makes his first address to a joint session of Congress this evening. On Monday, during thePresident’s fiscal responsibility summit at the White House, Baucus emphad that long term fiscal responsibility begins with curbing the rising cost of health care system-wide.

“President Obama will talk to us tonight about a number of key issues facing the nation, and I expect that discussion of health care reform will play a significant role in his address. Real economic stability requires an overhaul of our health care system, and I’m already at work with my colleagues and with President Obama on legislation to reduce health costs, to get every American covered for care, and ultimately to ensure the nation’s long term financial well-being,” Baucus said. “I’m confident that tonight’s speech, and the budget numbers the President will unveil this week, will be important steps in maintaining momentum and focus on health reform this year.”

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