March 27,2007

Baucus Comments on Trade Proposals

Finance Chairman says labor, environmental changes to pending trade agreements are necessary to make trade work better for working Americans

Washington, DC – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) today welcomed the unveiling of new trade agreement principles by House Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) and trade subcommittee Chairman Sander Levin (DMich.). Baucus said the suggested changes to environmental and labor provisions in pending free trade agreements can help U.S. trade initiatives move forward in a way that supports American workers and stands up for American jobs.

“I commend Chairman Rangel for his hard work in creating a package that seeks to address Americans’ key trade concerns, especially relating to labor and the environment. I will have to study the details closely, but I think this framework forms a basis on which we can all agree,” Baucus said. “Charlie and I have worked closely on these issues in recent months. We will continue to work together to develop a trade policy that helps our workers, ranchers, farmers, manufacturers, and innovators to succeed on the world stage.”

Details of the Rangel-Levin proposal were unveiled this afternoon, and are available on
the House Ways and Means Committee website. The administration must notify Congress of its intent to sign pending free trade agreements with Korea and Panama by March 31. The United States has already signed free trade agreements with Peru and Colombia.

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