May 03,2007

Baucus Comment on the Nomination of Kerry Weems as Administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services


To: Reporters and Editors
From: Carol Guthrie for Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.)
Re: Nomination of Kerry Weems as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Finance Committee Chairman Baucus issued comment today following the nomination of Kerry Weems as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Leslie V. Norwalk has been serving as Acting Administrator at CMS since September 2006 when Dr. Mark B. McClellan stepped down from the position.

From Chairman Baucus:

I’m pleased that the Administration has presented a nominee for this vital position. Medicare and Medicaid are essential programs for more than 80 million Americans. Having a permanent Administrator will be a big help as we continue to improve these programs and provide the highest quality of care possible. I plan to act quickly and work with my colleagues on the Finance Committee to carefully review this nomination.
