March 01,2009

Baucus Comment Regarding Governor Kathleen Sebelius

Washington, DC— Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) issued a short statement today regarding reports that Governor Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas will be nominated to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services.

"This is good news. Governor Sebelius is a strong choice for Health and Human Services secretary. I'm particularly pleased to hear of her selection because she brings such solid experience to the position. Passing comprehensive health care reform is an absolute imperative this year, and as a former insurance commissioner Governor Sebelius really gets what needs to be done. Added to that, she's accustomed to working together with Democrats and Republicans to get things accomplished. Healthcare reform is my number-one priority this year, and I'm ready to work with a strong partner like Governor Sebelius to make it happen.”


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