Executive Session Transcripts

Table for executive_session_transcript
Date News Item
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider S. 1872, The Better Access to Affordable Health Care Act; S. 1364, Employee Benefits Simplification and Expansion Act of 1991; Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2 Provisions; Tax Proposals Relating to Working Families, Long-Term Economic Growth, and Tax Fairness; S. 1394, Tax Simplification Act of 1991
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the nomination of Kevin E. Moley to be Deputy Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services
acrobatOpen Executive session to consider legislation to further extend unemployment compensation benefits; and consider the nominations of Fred T. Goldberg, and Shirley D. Peterson
acrobatOpen Executive Session To consider a bill to extend certain expiring tax provisions
acrobatOpen Executive Session to consider a temporary moratorium related to the issues of Medicaid voluntary donations, provider specific taxes, and intergovernmental transfers.
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Nominations of Alan Dunn, Peter S. Watson, and Arnold Thompkins
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider S.J. Res. 215, A Resolution approving the extension of Most-Favored-Nation (NFN) Treatment to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and an investigation by the International Trade Commission to study competition in the macadamia nut industry
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Nomination of Michael H. Moskow and David M. Nummy and to Consider a Section 332 Investigation by the International Trade Commission assessing current obstacles to U.S. Market access in Latin America
acrobatOpen Executive Session to consider an emergency unemployment compensation measure; the U.S.-Mongolian People's Republic Trade Agreement and S.J. Res. 168, approving the extension of non-discriminatory treatment to imports from Mongolia; the U.S.-Republic of Bulgaria Trade Agreement and S.J. Res. 169, approving the extension of non-discriminatory treatment to imports from Bulgaria; a section 332 investigation by the International Trade Commission on the impact on the U.S. uranium industry of imports from the Soviet Union, China and other non-market economies; a section 332 investigation by the International Trade Commission on issues affecting the U.S. canned tuna industry 6. To consider subcommittee assignments for Senators Orrin G. Hatch and Charles E. Grassley; and the nomination of Olin L. Wethington to be a Deputy Under Secretary of the Treasury
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider S. 1367, United States-China Act of 1991; S.J. Res 153,A joint resolution disapproving the recommendation of the President to extend nondiscriminatory treatment (most-favored-nation treatment) to the products of the People's Republic of China and the Nominations of Desiree Tucker-Sorini, Janet Nuzum, and Carol Crawford
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider Mary Catherine Sophos and Alixe Reed Glen
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider S. Res. 78; a resolution to disapprove the request of the President for extension of the fast track procedures under the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 and the Trade Act of 1974
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Nomination of Renato Beghe to be Judge of U.S. Tax Court
acrobatOpen Executive Session to consider the Committee Budget Resolution
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Organize for the 102nd Congress
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