October 26,1999

Roth, Moynihan Urge Leadership to Take up Finance Committee Extenders Bill

WASHINGTON -- In a letter to Majority Leader Lott and Minority Leader Tom Daschle, Senate Finance Committee Chairman William V. Roth, Jr. (R-DE) and Ranking Democratic member Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) today stated:

"Every member has different priorities with respect to expiring tax provisions. It is likely that no two members would write an extenders bill in exactly the same way. Under the direction of the members of the Finance Committee, we produced a consensus package, with the objective of having the bill bass by unanimous consent.

"Several members have indicated they will not provide consent if the Ways and Means bill, in its present form, is presented as a 'take it or leave it' proposition at the end of the session.

"We encourage you to seek unanimous consent to pass the Finance Committee bill free of amendments."

A copy of the letter is attached.