October 27,1999

Roth Acts to Protect the Condor

Language in Tax Legislation Calls for Consideration of Endangered Species' Habitat Audubon Society Calls Roth Leadership

WASHINGTON -- Senate Finance Committee Chairman William V. Roth, Jr. (R-DE) today announced new language in proposed tax legislation intended to protect the California condor and other endangered species.

The language, included in the Committee Report for S. 1792, the Tax Relief Extenders Act of 1999, encourages federal, state and local officials to be careful in selecting sites for facilities that qualify for the Section 45 wind and biomass tax credit to ensure facilities do not negatively impact the local environment.

"The action we have taken today will prevent the tax code from working at cross purposes with other federal policy goals," Sen. Roth said. "I am committed to the development of environmentally-friendly, alternative energy technologies, and I believe that through proper planning their development need not impact delicate habitats or endangered species."

Roth's action on this issue addresses a problem in areas of the southwestern United States, where the construction of wind turbines may pose a hazard to the endangered California condor. The measure also applies to future wind and biomass (certain renewable organic materials used for energy production) facilities anywhere in the country.

"The California condor received significant help in its fight against extinction in an unusual place -- the US Senate Finance Committee," said Daniel P. Beard, Senior Vice President of the National Audubon Society. "Chairman Roth's leadership has been vital in Audubon's efforts to protect the California condor and its habitat from potentially deadly wind turbines."

The legislation awaits consideration in the Senate.