December 03,2015

Press Contact:

Aaron Fobes, Julia Lawless (202)224-4515

Obamacare’s Horrible Headlines

News Outlets Coast to Coast Detail Health Law’s Negative Consequences

This week, Senate Republicans are using the budget reconciliation process to repeal the President’s signature domestic policy achievement, Obamacare.  In doing so, Senate Republicans are fulfilling a promise to repeal a failed law that has led to higher healthcare premiums, higher taxes, and fewer choices for American families.  

The health law’s negative consequences have been spelled out in headlines and polls from across the country in recent weeks. And what American families are up against when it comes to Obamacare isn’t pretty. 

It’s time the Obama Administration and Democrats own the law’s failures and work to implement patient-centered reforms that will address costs and increase choice.

Here’s the latest headlines on Obamacare: 

Wall Street Journal: Rising Rates Pose Challenge to Health Law                                                        “Higher-cost premiums for 2016 threaten the appeal of the program for the healthy customers it needs.” (Nov. 19, 2015) 

The New York Times: Health Care Law Forces Businesses to Consider Growth’s Costs                             “For some business owners on the edge of the cutoff, the mandate is forcing them to weigh very carefully the price of growing bigger.” (Nov. 18, 2015)

GALLUP: Ratings of U.S. Healthcare Quality No Better After ACA                                                           “Fewer than one in four satisfied with cost of healthcare.” (Nov. 20, 2015)

The Hill: Major insurer may leave ObamaCare                                                                                    “…a shock announcement that could ripple through the marketplace.” (Nov. 19, 2015)

Associated Press: More than half of health law's insurance co-ops are closing                                         “The federal government provided $2.4 billion in loans to get the co-ops going, and repayment from the ones that have failed seems doubtful.” (Nov. 3, 2015)

The New York Times: Health Care Co-op Closings Narrow Consumers’ Choices                                       “The grim announcements keep coming, picking up pace in recent weeks.” (Oct. 25, 2015)

GALLUP: Americans Again Cite Cost and Access as Top Health Issues                                            “Americans continue to be most likely to name healthcare access or cost as the most urgent health issues facing the U.S.” (Nov. 18, 2015) 

Omaha World-Herald: Insurance premium hikes raise questions about Affordable Care Act                  “Soaring health insurance premiums in the Affordable Care Act’s exchanges have sparked questions about whether the law is helping to contain medical costs nationwide.” (Nov. 2, 2015)

Associated Press: Big jumps ahead in South Dakota individual market premiums
“Tens of thousands of South Dakota residents who buy health coverage individually, including through the federal marketplace created by the Affordable Care Act, are facing premium hikes for next year ranging from an average of about 13 percent to as much as 63 percent.” (Oct. 26, 2015)

NBC’s KFOR: Oklahoma Obamacare premiums see 35 percent price hike                                                “The Department of Health and Human Services is estimating premiums will jump 35 percent on average for the one company returning to the exchange this year.”  (Oct. 29, 2015)
