February 09,2017

Press Contact:

Aaron Fobes, Julia Lawless 202-224-4515

Healthcare a ‘Passion’ for Price

Today, the Senate will consider the nomination of Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) to be the next Secretary of the Health and Human Services (HHS) Department.

Following Rep. Price's hearing in the Senate Finance Committee, many were quick to express confidence in his experience, both as a medical physician and a legislator, and have praised his commitment to advocating for vital patient-centered health reforms at HHS.

Here’s a look at what they are saying:

FINANCE CHAIRMAN ORRIN HATCH: “He not only has a great deal of experience in medicine, but he’s been a great Congressman. I look forward to Dr. Price being confirmed and assuming his position so he can begin working with us here in Congress to improve the nation’s health system” (January 24, 2017)

HEALTHCARE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL: “It is difficult to imagine anyone more capable of serving his nation as the Secretary of Health and Human Services than Congressman Tom Price…his commitment to patients and consumers as well as his understanding that the physician-patient relationship is paramount and must not be adversely affected by government action.” (November 29, 2016)

SENATOR JOHNNY ISAKSON, GA.: “Tom’s active in his church, active in his community, understands the needs of families and understands the relationship of healthcare to a good family…he will be a great Secretary of HHS.” (January 24, 2017)

AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY ASSOCIATION: “Dr. Price, in his active role in health care policy in Congress as well as his years of service at the state level of government, has demonstrated a proven understanding of the intricate complexities of our nation’s health care system.” (January 30, 2017)

GOVERNOR SCOTT WALKER, WIS.: “His decades of medical knowledge and firsthand experience as a licensed physician and orthopaedic surgeon, combined with his years as a lawmaker make him the perfect candidate to begin tackling critical reforms to empower the states.” (January 17, 2017)

MICHAEL LEAVITT AND TOMMY THOMPSON, FORMER HHS SECRETARIES: Healthcare is not an academic exercise for Price. It is not a distant policy or political debate. It is a passion and one he has dedicated his life to improving. He has cared for individuals from all walks of life, in a hospital and clinical setting, under any variety of circumstances.” (January 14, 2017)

SENATOR RICHARD BURR, N.C.: I know that Rep. Tom Price is well prepared to lead this important agency at this critical time for our nation’s health care system. I was pleased to vote at Committee today, and look forward to a full Senate vote for him to lead HHS. Senate Democrats should stop running side shows and honor the results of the 2016 election so that the President can move forward with putting his leadership in place at these federal agencies." (February 1, 2017)

SENATOR ROB PORTMAN, OHIO: “Thank you very much for your willingness to serve. We need you…We need somebody at HHS in place who can work with us to be sure that the legislative and the administrative policies are working together…” (January 24, 2017)
