March 21,2020

Grassley Update on Phase 3 Congressional Response to Coronavirus

Grassley: Significant Progress Made - Bipartisan Agreement in Sight

Washington – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today released the following statement regarding ongoing negotiations for a Phase Three congressional response to the coronavirus and its impact on the U.S. economy and public health. Grassley is leading the Senate’s tax policy and key health policy response, as well as policy helping the unemployed.
“We’ve had very fruitful negotiations and a lot of bipartisan agreement. There are some outstanding issues that still need to be worked out. But all parties understand the urgency of the situation, so I’m optimistic that we’ll be able to finalize a legislative package soon on a plan to save the economy and protect Americans. We must fight this pandemic and keep the country moving. We can keep Americans healthy without destroying our economy. This legislation will help workers, small businesses and families. Negotiations have been an all-hands-on-deck exercise. We’ve been working with the Administration as well as congressional Republicans and Democrats. This is no time for partisanship or party politics.

“Americans are facing an unprecedented public health and financial crisis. The toll of the coronavirus on the national economy and the personal financial well-being of tens of millions of Americans is difficult to overstate. And it’s important to remember that the situation Americans face is through no fault of their own. It’s imperative that Congress respond swiftly and vote on a comprehensive bill as soon as Monday. There’s no time to waste.”