March 21,2020

Grassley on Phase 3 Coronavirus Economic Relief Package

Prepared Floor Remarks by U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa
Chairman, Senate Finance Committee
On Phase 3 Coronavirus Economic Relief Package
Saturday, March 21, 2020
I’m leading negotiations on tax and key health care issues as part of the third phase of economic relief to help workers, families and small businesses.

We’ve been working through tough issues in short order.  
The American people need Congress to put partisan politics aside and provide them relief as quickly as possible to get the economy turned around.
And we must demand that of ourselves, as well.

Our multi-faceted approach includes recovery checks to Americans, enhanced unemployment insurance and much-needed resources for our health care system.

And this is just one piece of the Senate’s comprehensive package. 

I’m calling on Democrats and my colleagues in the House of Representatives to work with us to pass our economic relief package as quickly as we can.