June 24,2019

Grassley: Trump’s Executive Order on Health Care Transparency Will Benefit Every American

WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) issued the following statement in support of President Donald Trump’s executive order aimed at improving transparency in the health care marketplace. The president signed the executive order today during a White House signing ceremony attended by Grassley, Iowa businessman Andy Butler and Iowa state Sen. Mariannette Miller-Meeks.
“When consumers have access to information and can easily compare products, they end up saving money and are happier with their purchase. That certainly holds true for health care. There’s too much secrecy in the industry, from why prescription drugs cost what they do to how much an extended stay in the hospital will end up costing after being discharged. Increasing transparency holds hospitals, health care providers, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies accountable for what they charge patients. When big companies hide behind complicated bureaucracies, prices are higher, there are more surprise bills and there is reduced access to health care.
“President Trump’s executive order will take this problem head on. It’s the right thing to do for every patient in America. I’ll also continue working with the Trump administration and my colleagues in Congress to build on this progress and pass reforms that will improve access and lower the cost of health care for everyone.”
Details on the executive order from the White House can be found HERE.
A photo of Grassley at the White House signing ceremony can be found HERE.
Grassley has been a leading champion in Congress for increased transparency in health care. Recently, Grassley and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) introduced legislation to codify a new federal government rule requiring TV ads to disclose the list price of prescription drugs.
