October 11,2019

Grassley Statement on Partial U.S.-China Trade Deal

Washington – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today released the following statement regarding the partial trade deal with China that has been reached.

“Any time progress is made, that’s good news. Farmers in Iowa know far too well that the trade war has caused real financial pain in the heartland. But we need to know more about this deal and follow-through from China will be key. I welcome the news that progress on some areas has led to a delay in tariff hikes that would impact U.S. consumers, and that President Trump plans to meet President Xi at the APEC Summit in Chile next month. A final deal must address the full scope of structural issues identified in USTR’s Section 301 report and include strong enforcement mechanisms,” Grassley said. “After so much has been sacrificed, Americans will settle for nothing less than a full, enforceable and fair deal with China. I look forward to learning more details in the coming days.”