March 18,2020

Grassley on the COVID-19 Impact on the Auto Industry

Prepared Floor Remarks by U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa
On the COVID-19 Impact on the Auto Industry
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
The Administration wants USMCA to enter into force by June 1.
I’m eager as well, but we must first ensure that Canada and Mexico are complying with their commitments. 
I’m especially concerned that June 1 presents unique challenges for the auto industry when it’s already facing significant supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19.
As we learned in 2009, the health of the auto industry is critical to the health of our economy.
I urge the administration to take seriously the concerns expressed by the highest levels of the auto industry to ensure a reasonable timeline for entry into force of the USMCA auto regulations. 

It would be prudent right now to let these companies focus on the health of their workforces and supply chains.