March 18,2020

Grassley: More Relief on the Way, All Must do Their Part

Washington Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) issued the following comments on Congressional work responding to the novel coronavirus. The Senate today passed the bipartisan Families First Coronavirus Response Act and it is now on its way to President Donald Trump to be signed into law.
“The second phase of help is now on its way to the American people. We received this legislation yesterday and sent it to the president’s desk the very next day. In this package, we increase both paid sick leave and paid family leave to ensure people can stay home to stop the spread of coronavirus, as well as ensure that these measures are funded so employers across the country don’t run into cash flow problems that threaten their businesses.
“But the first two phases of help are just the start. In the Senate, we’re continuing to build a phase three package. In the coming hours and days, task forces will be presenting and combining plans that will help working Americans, their families and the most vulnerable, as well as businesses of every size and American industries most disrupted. As chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, I’m leading the tax policy task force and I’m also working on the health policy task force. Legislation will respond to the public health crisis and the economic impact of the coronavirus.
“Leader McConnell is absolutely right to keep the Senate in session and working until we can deliver more relief. While Congress is at work doing its part in this trying time, it’s also up to the people to do their part to stop the spread of this virus. Follow the CDC guidelines. Listen to local health officials. Exercise social distancing and go above and beyond with cleaning and handwashing.
“Throughout history, Americans have risen to the occasion when confronted with crisis. I’m confident this time will be no different. It’s up to each and every American to fight the spread of this deadly virus. Countless lives depend on it.”
A summary of the phase two response legislation H.R. 6210, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, can be found HERE.
Grassley is leading the Republican task force developing tax- and economic relief-related proposals for phase three of the legislative response to the coronavirus. As soon as those proposals have been agreed on and drafted, they will be released publicly.
