March 23,2009

Baucus Applauds Announcement of Nominees for Top Treasury Posts


To: Reporters and editors
From: Erin Shields for Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D Mont.)
Re: Baucus comment regarding Treasury Department nominations
Date: March 23, 2009

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D?Mont.) today applauded the President’s announcement that he intends to nominate Neal S. Wolin to be Deputy Secretary of the Treasury and Lael Brainard to be Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs, and that Stuart A. Levey will remain in his position as the Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. Baucus expressed confidence in the nominees and their ability to address the economic crisis.

“I’m pleased the President has announced he will send these nominations to the Finance Committee and I intend to begin reviewing them right away,” Baucus said. “These are good
candidates with strong qualifications to address the challenges this country faces. Stuart Levey has a proven track record working to eliminate financing that supports terrorist activities and I’m pleased he will remain part of the President’s team. These candidates all bring energy, experience, and global leadership to the table. I'm confident their contributions will be valuable to restoring the nation's economy.”
