June 20,2001

Baucus Announces Fast Track Hearing

Hearing: Trade Promotion Authority
Date/Time: June 20, 2001, at 9:30 a.m.
Location: 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Description: Chairman Baucus announced that the Finance Committee will hold a two
part hearing to hear various viewpoints on fast track negotiating authority.

Senator Baucus said, "I look forward to reviewing the administration's request for fast track trade negotiating authority with witnesses from the administration, labor, business, agriculture, and other experts on this topic. Despite the actions and statements to the contrary from some quarters, I remain committed to ensuring that any new fast track grant and all new major trade agreements meaningfully address labor rights and environmental issues -- while respecting the vital role that U.S. trade laws play. If it is to pass Congress, any new grant of fast track authority must reflect a new bipartisan consensus on the appropriate approach to new trade agreements."

A final witness list will be available later.