June 28,2018

Press Contact:

Katie Niederee and Julia Lawless, 202-224-4515

Finance Committee Advances Commerce, HHS & Tax Court Nominees

WASHINGTON – The Senate Finance Committee today advanced the nominations of Jeffrey Kessler to be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce, Lynn A. Johnson to be Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Family Support, Elizabeth Ann Copeland to be a United States Tax Court Judge, and Patrick J. Urda to be a United States Tax Court Judge.

“Kessler, Johnson, Copeland and Urda have proven they are well-suited to take on the challenges of the positions for which they’ve been nominated,” Hatch said. “Once confirmed, these nominees will each play key roles whether through enforcing laws enacted by Congress or rectifying issues between American taxpayers and the IRS. I look forward to their swift confirmations on the Senate floor.”

Kessler, Copeland and Urda advanced unanimously. Johnson advanced by a vote of 16–11.

An executive summary, including a breakdown of the vote, will be posted here.
