April 23,2015

Wyden Statement at Finance Hearing on Treasury, HHS Nominees

As Prepared for Delivery

Thank you, Chairman Hatch, for holding today’s hearing. I also want to thank our nominees for joining us.

This afternoon, the Finance Committee is considering three nominees for key posts in the administration – Anne Wall, Brodi Fontenot, and Rafael Lopez. All of these nominees are top of the class in their fields, and will be needed to help the administration take on a range of pressing challenges.

First is Anne Wall, nominated to be the deputy undersecretary for legislative affairs at the Treasury Department. Ms. Wall will play a critical role ensuring the Congress and the Treasury are able to communicate and work together effectively on an array of issues. And I can’t imagine anyone better suited for the job. Having served in a number of roles with Senator Durbin and as a congressional liaison for the White House, she knows her way around both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue and how to find common ground. 

From the experience my staff and I have had working with Ms. Wall, I can attest that she meets the gold standard for public service.  This committee works extensively with Treasury on important tax policies and other economic matters, and I look forward to continuing our productive relationship once Ms. Wall is confirmed.

Next is Brodi Fontenot, nominated to be the chief financial officer for the Treasury Department. As CFO, Mr. Fontenot will manage the department to ensure it’s running at tip-top efficiency in a wide variety of areas, which is no small order for a department of over 100,000 men and women. He has already demonstrated that he’s more than up to the task in a similar role at the Department of Transportation, where he is currently the assistant secretary of administration.

Prior to joining DOT, Mr. Fontenot served on the Senate Budget Committee, and at the GAO.  Our former colleague Senator Kent Conrad has the highest praise for Mr. Fontenot’s work as a committee staffer. In my book, you can’t do any better around here than Senator Conrad singing your praises.

And I will add that Mr. Fontenot has the great fortune in life of being married to Finance Committee health staff alumna Yvette Fontenot. So clearly, the committee are big fans of the Fontenots.

In addition to our two Treasury nominees, the committee is also considering Rafael Lopez, nominated to be the commissioner on children, youth, and families at the Department of Health and Human Services. Mr. Lopez has an extensive background in the non-profit and public sectors focused squarely on helping children and their families, and he recently brought that expertise to the White House.

If confirmed for this new role, Mr. Lopez will oversee a number of critical programs to ensure kids have the services and protection they need for a safe and stable childhood. Mr. Lopez also has his work cut out for him given the ongoing implementation of a bill Senator Hatch and I authored that was signed into law in September—the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act. 

This new law focuses on ensuring children in foster care are given the same support and ability to make permanent, positive connections as all kids. Many of the provisions of this bill will depend on a thoughtful and rigorous implementation, so we’re relying on you in that respect, Mr. Lopez.
