
25595 results found for *.

  1. Finance, Budget Committees Launch Joint Investigation into Donald Trump’s Quid Pro Quo Offer to Big Oil

  2. Wyden Statement at Finance Committee Hearing on Fentanyl and Combating Addiction through Prevention and Treatment

  3. Crapo Statement at Hearing on National Fentanyl Crisis

  4. During Foster Care Awareness Month, Wyden Convenes Hearing on Successes, Roadblocks and New Opportunities to Keep Families Together

  5. Crapo Statement at Hearing on Child Welfare

  6. Wyden Hearing Statement on Child Savings Accounts and Economic Opportunity for Kids

  7. Wyden Expands Big Pharma Tax Investigation with Pfizer Inquiry

  8. Wyden Urges CMS to Crack Down on Fraudulent Health Plan Changes

  9. Top Democrats on Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committees Urge Administration to Upgrade Trade Talks with Kenya to a Comprehensive Trade Agreement

  10. Crapo Statement at Hearing on Savings Opportunities