
860 results found for identity theft.

  1. Hearing Statement of Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., On Protecting American Taxpayers from Incompetent and Unethical Tax Preparers

  2. Opening Statement of Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., on the EXPIRE Act of 2014

  3. Baucus Unveils Proposal to Combat Tax Fraud, Make Filing Safer, Simpler and More Efficient

  4. Hatch, Coburn Warn of Potential ObamaCare Subsidy Fraud; Cite Problems With Earned Income Tax Credits

  5. The Life of Julia Under ObamaCare: Will She Pay More, Will Her Personal Information Be Secure, Will She Have Access To Quality Health Care?

  6. Hatch on Launch of ObamaCare Exchanges: Too Many Unanswered Questions, Too Many Unresolved Problems

  7. ObamaCare Fraud at the American People’s Expense

  8. Senators: Health Law’s Navigator Program Lacks Consumer Safeguards, Increases Risk of Fraud

  9. Baucus Calls for Immediate Action to Combat Tax Fraud and ID Theft, Pushes IRS to Step Up Efforts to Protect Taxpayers...

  10. Hatch Statement at Finance Committee Hearing Examining Ways to Address Tax Fraud Identity Theft...