January 2010 |
Grassley seeks accounting of tax dollars spent for economic stimulus
Grassley fights fraud, waste and abuse in Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP
Grassley Urges President to Act on Trade Expansion, Training Pledges in State of the Union Speech
President Signs Baucus, Grassley, Nelson, Menendez, Lemieux Legislation To Aid Americans Returning from Haiti
Senate Unanimously Approves Bill To Aid U.S. Citizens Returning from Haiti
Grassley asks more questions about multi-million severance package for AIG exec, plus a second AIG exec
Baucus, Grassley, Nelson, Menendez, Lemieux Introduce Bill to Provide Support for Americans Returning From Haiti
Grassley asks hospitals about experiences with federal health information technology program
Grassley Welcomes President’s Interest in Stopping Tax-delinquent Companies from Getting Federal Contracts
Baucus, Grassley, Nelson, Lemieux Introduce Plan to Help Haiti
Grassley Seeks CBO, JCT Analysis of President’s Proposed Bank Fee
Grassley Questions Severance Package for AIG Executive
Grassley asks VA secretary about exposure of VA patients to infectious diseases due to health system mishaps
Grassley: Committee Vetting of Nominees Hasn’t Changed, Myth to Suggest Otherwise
Grassley says paid health care advocates should disclose federal contracts before being allowed to testify