May 2010 |
Baucus Examines Options for Increasing Quality in the Unemployment Insurance Program
Baucus, Grassley Praise New Law to Spur Haiti’s Earthquake Recovery
Hearing Statement of Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.) Regarding Improving Quality in the Unemployment Insurance Program
Baucus, Grassley Introduce Bill to Create Job Opportunities for Veterans
Baucus Praises CMS for Swift Action to Implement Medicare Prescription Drug Discount in 2011
Baucus Comment on Guidelines for the Therapeutic Discovery Project Program
Baucus, Levin To Release Joint Legislation To Create Jobs, Extend Tax Cuts for Families and Businesses, Support Americans Looking for Work
Baucus Touts Transparency, Accountability Enforced by TARP Inspector General
Baucus Announces Lily Batchelder as Finance Committee Chief Tax Counsel
Hearing Statement of Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.) Regarding the Nomination of Alan Bersin to be Commissioner of Customs
Baucus comment on new report showing $2.5 billion in Medicare payments recovered
Baucus, Grassley Press Wellpoint for Answers on Premium Increases
Baucus, Grassley Question For-Profit Home Health Agencies on Relationship Between Operating Procedures and Reimbursements
Finance Committee Memo on the Nomination of Alan Bersin to be Commissioner of Customs
Baucus Examines Options for Structuring Bank Tax to Repay Tax Dollars Spent to Remedy Financial Crisis