April 2013 |
Baucus Calls for Immediate Action to Combat Tax Fraud and ID Theft, Pushes IRS to Step Up Efforts to Protect Taxpayers
Baucus Comment on Japan Joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations
Baucus Seeks Middle Ground on Budget to Spark Growth, Create Jobs
Baucus Statement on the Administration's FY2014 Budget
Baucus Calls On Tavenner to Focus on Strengthening Medicare and Insurance Marketplaces as CMS Administrator
Baucus Statement on the Nomination of Marilyn Tavenner to be CMS Administrator
Baucus Comment on Making Veterans Tax Credit Permanent in President's Budget
March 2013 |
HHS Report Shows Tens of Millions Lost to Medicare Overpayments
Baucus Demands Answers From IRS for Wasted Taxpayer Dollars Spent on Star Trek Parody Video
Senators React To Special Fraud Alert Involving Physician-Owned Entities
Baucus-Hatch Bill Strengthens U.S. Customs Agencies, Helps Boost Job-Creating Trade
Baucus Statement in Opposition to the Internet Sales Tax Amendment
Baucus Pushes Innovation Center to More Quickly Improve Health Care Quality, Lower Costs
Baucus Statement on the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation and Improving America's Health Care System
Baucus Outlines Job-Creating Trade Agenda