January 20,2015

Press Contact:

Charles Pope: 202-224-6854

Wyden’s Response to the State of the Union Address

Focus on the Middle Class Strikes the Correct Balance

WASHINGTON – “Tonight the President set out a new test for sustained economic growth,” Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said.

“This Congress will be measured by how much it increases wages for middle-class and all working families and expands opportunities in education and housing. I’m glad the President spent so much of his speech walking us through his ideas for providing opportunity in pay, housing and education and providing help for middle-class and all working families in Oregon and across the country.

“On taxes and trade, education and energy, the proposals the President outlined tonight should be seen as good and serious starting points. My hope is these can be a catalyst for bipartisan, common-sense discussion that move us ahead in solving the country’s challenging problems. I look forward to seeing the details of his plans so Congress can get to work.

“As the author of the first bipartisan comprehensive tax reform in a quarter century, I’m pleased the President has laid out some tax proposals that expand the tax reform discussion to growing the economy through investing in the middle class and working families. I believe comprehensive tax reform is the best path to address the massive challenge of fixing America’s broken tax code, and I am glad to see President discuss reform in those terms.

“In an uneven economic recovery beset by stagnant wages, it has become clear that our tax code does far more to make it easier for the well-connected to avoid paying their fair share than it does to help working American families make ends meet.

“In order to maximize job and wage growth, the nation must have a trade policy that doesn’t just benefit big business, but benefits small business and American workers while enforcing the rules fairly.”

Audio of Sen. Wyden’s statement available here.
