October 30,2020

Press Contact:

Keith Chu (202) 224-4515

WYDEN: Trump’s Failure to Enforce USMCA Provisions Leaves Workers, Farmers and Businesses in the Lurch

Four Months After USMCA Took Effect, Mexico and Canada Are STILL Out of Compliance With the Agreement

Washington, D.C. – Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., called out the Trump administration’s failure to bring Mexico and Canada into compliance with their promises under the new NAFTA agreement, also known as USMCA, in a letter to Trump today.

“It is critical that Mexico and Canada meet their obligations if American workers, farmers, businesses, and consumers are to reap the full benefits you promised they would receive from USMCA,” Wyden wrote. “Promises were made, but promises have not been delivered.”

Four months after the agreement entered into force, Mexico and Canada are not meeting their obligations on a host of issues, from agriculture to customs, leaving workers, farmers, employers and consumers without the benefits of that deal. And the Trump administration has failed to bring any enforcement action despite persistent labor violations in Mexico. 

“This significant delay, with no apparent deadline for actual compliance, continues to leave American workers, producers, farmers, and consumers at a disadvantage, depriving them of the benefits you promised when you set out to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement,” Wyden continued.

“Simply put, agreements are only worth the paper they are written on when our trading partners are not held to their commitments.”

Read the full letter here.
