April 26,2017

Press Contact:

Rachel McCleery


Wyden Statement on Unprincipled Trump Tax Plan

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued a statement after the Trump Administration unveiled their unprincipled tax plan:

“This is an unprincipled tax plan that will result in cuts for the one percent, conflicts for the President, crippling debt for America and crumbs for the working people. Instead of providing a real tax reform plan as promised, this administration is offering cakes to the fortunate few. Instead of focusing on lowering taxes for teachers, nurses and cops, Trump appears to be piling on the conflicts-of-interest by ensuring he himself will receive an elite giveaway.  Yet another reason why it’s critical the American people see his tax returns.


“And while the President, multinational corporations and wealthy shareholders enjoy a big tax cut, trillions of dollars will be added to America’s crippling debt. This kind of irresponsibility is light on details for people who work for a living and is based off of a failed trickle down economic theory and one that could deplete Medicare and Social Security as we know it.

“For months Republicans have been generating a lot of happy talk when it comes to taxes when it simply isn’t true.  It’s time for Republicans to put down the partisan playbook and work across the aisle to craft lasting, comprehensive tax reform legislation that benefits hardworking Americans and sets our economy on a new course.”