October 25,2018

Press Contact:

Taylor Harvey: 202-224-4515

Wyden Statement on Trump Administration Drug Announcements

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued a statement following remarks by the president and HHS Secretary Alex Azar about efforts to combat high drug prices:

“Once again, the Trump administration has concocted a dog-and-pony show to trick the American people into thinking they are taking real action to lower drug prices – they are not,” Wyden said. “Today’s announcement was hardly the bold and swift action the president promised – it was an ‘advanced notice of proposed rulemaking’ that will not move forward for at least 18 months if at all. The Trump administration and Republicans in Congress need to get serious and set aside their all talk and no action agenda. Republicans should stop watching Trump legislate by press conference and work with Democrats on proposals that would make a real difference for families that are getting clobbered week in and week out by high and rising drug costs.”
