July 17,2018

Press Contact:

Rachel McCleery, Office of Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore. 

Wyden Statement on Treasury Department Announcement to Protect Dark Money Donors

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued the following statement regarding the Treasury Department’s announcement late Monday to allow nonprofits to keep the identities of their donors from U.S. tax authorities:

“Trump’s Treasury Department made it easier for anonymous foreign donors to funnel dark money into nonprofits the same day a Russian national linked to the NRA was arrested for attempting to influence our elections,” Wyden said. “It’s the latest attempt by Secretary Mnuchin and Donald Trump to eliminate transparency and keep officials and lawmakers from following the money. That’s why I’ll be opposing Charles Rettig, nominee to be IRS Commissioner, unless Mr. Rettig commits to restoring this critical disclosure requirement.”

Yesterday the Department of Justice indicted Maria Butina on charges that she was carrying out a secret Russian plan to influence politics in the U.S.. Butina is a self-proclaimed “gun rights activist" linked to the NRA.
