June 29,2020

Press Contact:

Taylor Harvey (202)224-4515

Wyden Statement on the Future of Drug Pricing Legislation in Congress

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued a statement after Chairman Chuck Grassley released an op-ed on drug pricing legislation, including claims that Democrats were no longer supporting the bill:

“Democrats have not walked away from the table on drug pricing – Republicans never showed up in the first place. The House passed a bill with Republican votes last year, while Mitch McConnell has yet to take one step towards moving drug pricing legislation forward. Chairman Grassley and I have worked for over a year on a drug pricing bill that would end price gouging, lower consumers’ costs at the pharmacy counter, and save taxpayer dollars. I stand by that effort and maintain these policies are right on the merits.

“Unfortunately, McConnell and many other Senate Republicans are too afraid of Big Pharma to join our effort, so there is no reason to expect our bill will receive a vote on the Senate floor. Senate Democrats are not interested in aiding Republicans as they play political games and pretend to support lowering prescription drug prices.

“The time has come for a bipartisan, bicameral discussion about whether the two chambers can reach an agreement on legislation that would lower Americans’ drug prices and can be signed into law. The House passed a strong bill that gives Medicare negotiating authority, as the vast majority of Americans support, in addition to other important policies similar to Grassley-Wyden. The American people have yet to see a bill supported by a majority of congressional Republicans that would save taxpayer dollars and lower consumers’ drug costs at the pharmacy counter.”
