March 01,2019

Press Contact:

Ryan Carey (202) 224-4515

Wyden Statement on Retirement of Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) issued the following statement today on Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson’s announcement that she will retire from her position at the end of July:

“With all Nina Olson’s successes at identifying and helping to solve problems taxpayers face under our broken tax system, she deserves a public approval rating higher than puppies and apple pie. She is the model public servant – a straight-shooting, hardworking individual whose commitment to making life easier for taxpayers has always been unquestionable. She’s been an invaluable resource for legislators, and I thank her for her many years of service. It won’t be easy to fill her shoes, but Secretary Mnuchin owes it to America’s taxpayers to choose a new Taxpayer Advocate who mirrors Nina Olson’s honesty, independence and character.”
