July 27,2017

Press Contact:

Contact: Rachel McCleery (202) 224-4515

Wyden Statement on Republican Tax Update

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement in response to the Republicans’ tax update:

“Republicans are dripping tax ideas out like a leaky faucet with no specifics to back them up,” said Wyden. “This is a far cry from the last time Congress overhauled our tax code in 1986. Republicans worked with Democrats from the get go and knew that a long-term, bipartisan solution was necessary to create jobs and grow the economy.

“We need sustainable, comprehensive tax reform, not a massive tax cut for the wealthy. We need to bridge the gap between what hardworking Americans take home, and what they need to live the quality of life they deserve. That’s accomplished by ensuring our tax code is at least as progressive as current law, brings red, white and blue jobs to America and is fiscally responsible.”
