May 18,2018

Wyden Statement on News Trump Administration Will Restrict Women’s Reproductive Rights

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued a statement following news reports that the Trump Administration would issue a rule to limit access to essential health care services by cutting funding to critical health care providers like Planned Parenthood and restricting the kinds of information providers can give to patients about their reproductive health care options.

“Trump wants to put the government in charge of which health care services women can receive and what conversations doctors can have with their patients - that’s about as ‘big brother’ as it gets,” Wyden said. “The bottom line is a woman’s ability to access the health care she deserves and to make informed decisions about her body should be an unimpeachable right. Telling women what kind of care and information they can and can’t receive is Trump’s agenda of health care discrimination on full display.”

Wyden sent a letter last week to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar opposing any effort to change the Title X family planning program in ways that restrict access to reproductive health care.
