July 31,2019

Wyden Statement on New Reporting on Rusal Investment in Kentucky Aluminum Plant

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement in reaction to Politico reporting that former staffers for Majority Leader Mitch McConnell lobbied for a Kentucky rolling mill supported by the Russian company Rusal:

“Rusal’s proposed investment in a Kentucky rolling mill is deeply concerning. The deal was announced just three months after the Senate voted to lift sanctions on Rusal, and now we learn that Majority Leader McConnell’s former staff have been lobbying for the project. The American people need to have confidence that this deal is in the country’s best interest. That is why a CFIUS review of the deal’s national security implications is so important. I was encouraged by the Treasury Department’s June response to my request. The department needs to take potential harm to national security from Rusal’s proposed investment seriously.”
