April 04,2019

Press Contact:

Ashley Schpitl (202) 224-4515

Wyden Statement on House Ways & Means Committee's Request for Trump Tax Returns

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement in response to House Ways & Means Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., requesting President Donald Trump’s tax returns under Section 6103 of the tax code:

“Secretary Mnuchin should have no involvement in responding to Chairman Neal’s request for President Trump’s tax returns. Tax returns are held at the IRS and it is Commissioner Rettig’s job to fulfill the agency’s legal obligations. If Secretary Mnuchin inserts himself that would be blatant political interference. 

“President Trump said he was ‘not inclined’ to release his tax returns, but his inclinations are irrelevant. The law is crystal clear—the returns ‘shall’ be provided to the Ways & Means Committee and the president has no involvement.

“There are not two sides here—the administration is either going to follow or break the law, and I hope the law is followed.”
