July 24,2018

Press Contact:

Rachel McCleery, Office of Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore. 

Wyden Statement on House Republican Tax Framework

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued the following statement regarding the release of the Ways and Means Committee’s tax framework:

“The House Republican framework doubles down on massive breaks for the rich and sweeteners for high fliers while trying to cover up the broken middle-class promises from their first tax law.” Wyden said. “Wages are falling as the cost of living climbs higher and higher. Instead of working across the aisle on ways to boost paychecks for working Americans, Congressional Republicans laid out a plan to give the fortunate few another round of deficit-exploding tax cuts. Trump and Republicans will now have an even bigger excuse to slash Medicare and Social Security under the guise of fiscal responsibility. 

“Republicans had the chance to work with Democrats last year on real bipartisan tax reform, and they refused. What was released today is a partisan exercise and a reminder that Republicans will continue to seize upon policies that reward the donor class at the expense of the middle class.”
