November 16,2017

Press Contact:

Rachel McCleery

Wyden Statement on Finance Committee Passage of Senate Republican Tax Bill

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued the following statement regarding the Finance Committee’s passage of the Senate Republicans’ tax bill:

“Tonight Republicans unanimously approved to steal from families and hard working Americans to pay for tax cuts for multinational corporations. By making good on their promises to corporate donors, millions and millions of low-income and middle-income Americans are going to get hit with a tax hike they can’t afford. Thirteen million Americans will lose their health care. Premiums will skyrocket for millions more.

“It’s an economic double standard. The middle-class Americans who are fortunate enough to avoid those consequences are stuck with temporary tax cuts, instead of the permanent cuts they deserve. And it won’t be much comfort for any of those Americans to know that corporations are using their permanent windfalls to buy back stock and fatten up their executive compensation packages.

“This is indefensible, partisan legislation, and this is a dark day for this storied committee. But Democrats will continue to fight. And if our Republican colleagues decide that they’re ready to work on a bipartisan tax reform bill that gives everybody a chance to get ahead, they’ll find eager partners among us.”
