June 19,2018

Press Contact:

Taylor Harvey (202) 224-4515

Wyden Statement on Final Association Health Plan Rule

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued a statement after the Trump Labor Department finalized a rule easing restrictions on Association Health Plans (AHPs), which are exempt from some Affordable Care Act consumer protections:

“The Trump Administration is opening the floodgates for junk plans that will make it harder for people with pre-existing conditions to find affordable coverage and easier for scam artists to make a quick buck at the expense of American families,” Wyden said. “Association health plans will send premiums for real, comprehensive health insurance even higher and leave an unstable insurance market in its wake. The president and Republicans in Congress should stop their sabotage campaign to bring back the health care of yesteryear and start working with Democrats to make health care more affordable for everyone.”
